CLM Services a leading critical asset partner to Housing,Healthcare and the Public sectors become verified Pro Sure 360members, with full SSIP accreditation
Following vigorous due diligence and auditing by the leading Supply Chain Management, Procurement and SSIP platform, ProSure 360, CLM are pleased to confirm we are fully Accredited. This confirms CLM’s commitment to Health and Safety as well as demonstrating that we are compliant with all the latest legislation. Additionally, ProSure 360 verifies that CLM are in sound financial health and delivering service excellence, acting both ethically and sustainably to attain responsible growth. ProSure’s intensive audit has checked our supply chains and the way in which we manage and mitigate risks, to insure seamless service to our partners.
This is another important accreditation to assist CLM and it’s clients within the Housing, Healthcare and Public sectors to have complete peace of mind, compliance and transparency and is in addition to our existing partnerships including;

For more information regarding CLM Services – Accreditations, Frameworks and Verifications, please contact our team;