Clean Heating: Decarbonise and reduce residents heating bills with zero capital outlay
Our partnership with Rendesco, the UK’s leading technology experts and decarbonisation visionaries allows CLM to provide Low Cost, Low-Carbon, ground source heating solutions without the need for capital outlay.
CLM can provide an unrivalled resident proposition to reducing heating emissions, ending gas price volatility and paving the way to our clients net zero ambitions.

CLM’s partnership allows for un-limited co-funding, enabling landlords to de-carbonise housing stock and reduce resident’s bills, at Zero Cost, whether tower blocks, terraces or detached units.

Heating, Cooling and Hot Water provision improved to residents with lower bills, increased efficiency and reduced emissions.

Retro-fit or New Build our solutions can keep residents affordably warm all year round, tackling fuel poverty and helping the providers deliver on lowering the carbon footprint of UK housing.

Improved Safety – Removing gas and flammable refrigerant
solutions mitigates fire risks, especially in high rise buildings.

Free Cooling and No Overheating – Systems can provide passive
cooling when required, whilst the ambient temperature of the
system prevents potential overheating.