Miele GB announce UK redundancies…………

Miele GB, which currently has its customer service contact centre in Abingdon, UK announced to employees last week plans to relocate the work to an external firm based in Thessaloniki, Greece.

When asked for comment, a spokesman for CLM, the UKs leading provider to the Housing sector said “We have seen many organisations relocate internationally or outsource elements of their business in pursuit of improved fiscal efficiencies but CLM are committed to growing their UK contact centres and solely employing in Britain. Wherever possible, we will employ locally, supporting the areas and regions in which our customers are located, not only to promote local economies but to provide the best possible customer experience. In turn, sustainability and our carbon footprint is also improved, a principle that is deeply embedded within the DNA of CLM”.

To find out more regarding CLM and how we support the local economies of our customers : info@clm-services.co.uk