CLM partner with Constructionline and the Supply Chain Sustainability School……..enhancing opportunities for Housing, Healthcare and the Public Sector……

CLM are proud to have gained Silver status and partnered with Constructionline, the most connected and progressive of Public Procurement and Supply Chain services in the UK with over 20 years experience.

Constructionline, originally born out of the Public Sector have grown and developed with social values at heart, something already in-built to the DNA of CLM Services, making it a perfect fit.

As compliance obligations and supply chains have evolved, so has Constructionline and their partnering with the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) to help spread knowledge of social value further throughout the supply chain was a deciding factor in CLM’s decision to become a key member.

Having been successful in vigorous due-diligence carried out by the leading Public Procurement and Supply Chain organisation, CLM have become part of a pool of validated, high quality suppliers, not only under enhanced PAS 91 criteria but validated under SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement) via Acclaim, backed and quality assured by Capita PLC, the largest professional services organisation in the UK.

Under the platform, buyers can expect to simplify and speed up their search, validation and purchasing decision processes considerably, improving resource and cost efficiencies, whilst remaining compliant.

To find out more, regarding how your organisation can benefit from CLM’s
Constructionline status, reduce processes, increase efficiencies and realise
fiscal savings, contact CLM now at :