Tag Archives: Local Authority

CLM Feature – Localism and Sustainability post-lockdown………………

Localism and sustainability can mean different things to different people and are certainly broad and emotive subjects but in the context of CLM, they’re about Sourcing, Provenance, Heritage, Community and Environmental Impact. Post-lockdown, our customers are telling us that it is increasingly important for them to be sourcing locally. CLM have always provided a local […]

Miele GB announce UK redundancies…………

Miele GB, which currently has its customer service contact centre in Abingdon, UK announced to employees last week plans to relocate the work to an external firm based in Thessaloniki, Greece. When asked for comment, a spokesman for CLM, the UKs leading provider to the Housing sector said “We have seen many organisations relocate internationally or […]

Are white goods a landlord’s responsibility?

Legally, if landlords supply white goods with their rental property, they’re obligated to ensure all appliances are in good working order as part of contract law. Under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, meanwhile, landlords are responsible for:• Maintaining and repairing the structure of the property, including drains, gutters and external pipework• Maintaining and repairing […]