Tag Archives: Housing Associations

CLM discuss… How do we protect the elderly and more vulnerable as UKHSA confirm more people are being struck down with flu or coronavirus-like symptoms, but many testing negative for the virus?

There’s been a barrage of anecdotal reports of people being struck down with flu or coronavirus-like symptoms, but many testing negative for the virus. Winter may have finally come to an end but it seems as though many of us are getting ill at the moment – and not necessarily with Covid. Doctors are reporting […]

CLM’s top 5 tips on how to reduce laundry costs and save energy….

As the cost of living soars and energy bills set to rise further it’s worth knowing that washing machines and tumble dryers can be among the most energy-consuming appliances. CLM’s technical expert and energy-efficiency manager explains how some simple changes to your laundry routines could make it more efficient and sustainable and help to reduce […]

CLM Feature – Localism and Sustainability post-lockdown………………

Localism and sustainability can mean different things to different people and are certainly broad and emotive subjects but in the context of CLM, they’re about Sourcing, Provenance, Heritage, Community and Environmental Impact. Post-lockdown, our customers are telling us that it is increasingly important for them to be sourcing locally. CLM have always provided a local […]

Connected Whitegoods – and should you use?

How do Western brand suppliers get back on the sales offensive? A successful future has two key requirements: connectivity and consumer marketing. Of course, controlling domestic appliances from a smartphone, tablet or computer is simple, fun and convenient. But connectivity is much more than another feature for the customer – it’s also an important new […]

Request your FREE appliance energy audit from CLM today!

With energy prices having risen for millions of people across the UK in October, right at the start of the winter and the colder weather, CLM are offering FREE energy audits, in order to help reduce energy usage and reduce costs to residents. Book now and save: info@clm-services.co.uk

Energy bills to rise by at least £139 for millions of households…. Request your FREE appliance energy audit from CLM today!

Energy prices will rise for millions of people across the UK in October, right at the start of the winter and the colder weather. The typical gas and electricity customer is likely to see their bill go up by £139 to £1,277 a year. Charities have warned the timing would hit struggling families hard, who […]

Zero carbon is a major challenge for Housing…CLM explain…

Haven’t we been here before with sustainable housing policy? Well, yes. There have been policy ups and downs – in England in particular – which have upended the sector’s plans and economy around retrofits and green building. Additionally, the Green Home Grant has come and gone. But legislation is beginning to fill in the gaps. In […]

Are white goods a landlord’s responsibility?

Legally, if landlords supply white goods with their rental property, they’re obligated to ensure all appliances are in good working order as part of contract law. Under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, meanwhile, landlords are responsible for:• Maintaining and repairing the structure of the property, including drains, gutters and external pipework• Maintaining and repairing […]

Elderly residents urged to be vigilant: Scam calls selling fake white goods policies

Residents are being warned about scam calls selling fake policies on white goods as lockdown continues. The City of London Police (CoLP) is working with National Trading Standards to detect and disrupt criminal activity using data from their call blocker units, which have been shown to block 99 per cent of scam calls. As the national policing lead […]

2021 – Fire Safety: Landlords urged to check white goods…

In recent years the demand for cheaper appliances has led to literally millions of white goods released to the market with manufacturing faults causing them to be unsafe. Despite campaigns by the; London Fire Brigade, Which ?, National Fire Chief Council, Government and more, there are still thought to be hundreds of thousands of unsafe […]